Rubiane Maia
Rubiane’s artwork is a hybrid between performance, installation, writing, photography, video and painting. In general, she is interested in the body, language, memory, phenomena and organic matter, being attracted by different states of perception and synergy through the relationships of interdependence and care between human and more-than-human beings, as minerals and plants. She often develops research in site specific contexts, always considering the land, the elements of nature, the landscape and the environment as guide and co-creators of her artworks. In 2015, she took part at the exhibition ‘Terra Comunal – Marina Abramovic + MAI’, at SESC Pompéia, SP, Brazil with the long durational performance ‘The Garden’ for 2 consecutive months. In 2018 she started developing the ongoing project ‘Book-Performance’, composed by a series of actions devised in response to autobiographical texts particularly influenced by transgenerational memories connected to gender and racial issues. It was presented at Jerwood Visual Arts, Institute of Contemporary Art – ICA, Middlesex University, London and Cultural Center of Banco do Brasil, São Paulo. In 2023, she joined the 35th São Paulo Biennial ‘Choreographies of the Impossible’ and ‘Ana Mendieta: Silhouette in Fire | terra abrecaminhos’ exhibition, in São Paulo, Brazil. Also in 2023, she was awarded a grant focused on development of her art practice (DYCP) by Art Council England.