Owen Griffiths

Owen is a socially engaged artist and systems thinker. Emphasising long-term thinking, his work explores climate, land use, social justice, and food systems, creating projects that invite us to ask what an equitable future could look like at a time of increasing crisis. Informed and rooted in engagement, place, long term relationships – exploring the ideas of digging where you stand and hosting spaces which attempt to ask – what the gentle work of the future looks like?

From large scale community gardens and food systems, to toolkits exploring food justice, to hosting meals and workshops. He works both internationally and on hyper local long term projects and commissions. Griffiths is a graduate of the School of Walls & Space, a British Council Fellow, a member of the Arte Útil network and Social Sculpture Research Unit at Oxford Brookes University. He is the Founder of Ways of Working, a social enterprise working with social and climate justice in Wales.