Kitchen Table Talks: New Delhi
Kitchen Table Talks was an intimate gathering of friends and friends of friends hosted by School of IO (Meenakshi Thirukode) and Food Art Research Network on a rooftop in New Delhi

Around fifty people joined us for an afternoon of conversations and exchange around the practices of artists/ researchers that include stories around food, ecology, photography, vernacular architecture and grassroots work with people’s movements. During the event we gather to share our knowledge and experiences while eating food prepared from recipes shared by the 8:30 network of women photographers.
About the 8:30 Cookbook: Food is often the simplest, most direct and meaningful way to reach people. We all understand the language of food. But sometimes we might not focus on its complexities – its emotions, histories, sorrows and joys, resilience and grace. These 9 recipes are a gift from 8:30. Accompanied by stories and memories spanning the length and breadth of India – including parts of West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Goa, and Madhya Pradesh – our cultures come together in a shared meal which we hope you can smell, taste, cook, and eventually eat!

Credits and Supporters
This was a self organised event set up by School of IO which is based in New Delhi and has functioned for over five years as an improvised set of spaces for enquiries into curatorial and artistic practice as a site for developing radical, non-transactional forms of coming together through temporal political agencies.
With Aabha Muralidharan, 8:30 Collective x Menty Jamir, Tenacious Bee Collective x Malini Kochupillai, Madeleine Collie, Alana Hunt, and Meenakshi Thirukode (Food Art Research Network), Nipun Prabhakar.
Food purchased with a grant from Monash University Curatorial Practice